Engineering For Environmental Protection And Impact Assessment
The Department of Environmental Protection and Impact Assessment (IPMEI) conducts fundamental and applied research activities to identify solutions that mitigate or eliminate the environmental impact associated with certain industrial or economic processes. In order to improve the quality of environmental factors, IPMEI`s researchers have the ability to conduct specialized studies and recommend Best Available Techniques (BAT) solutions for the purpose of retrofitting / upgrading facilities so that the impact on the environment is minimal. IPMEI provides consultancy, technical assistance and expertise in the development of water management and environment protection documentation for economic agents operating in various fields. The IPMEI team, using state-of-the-art infrastructure, has the ability to conduct air quality monitoring studies and air pollution dispersion studies.
Area Of Competence
Air quality (monitoring, assessment, scenarios);
Technical assistance and expert advice using the BAT principles;
Effects of electromagnetic field generated by industrial plants on environmental factors;
Elaboration of documentation for obtaining water management permits.
Air quality monitoring and assessment (emission studies, dispersion and immissions of air pollutants);
Elaboration of scenarios on the emission of pollutants released into the atmosphere in order to meet the thresholds set at national level;
Research on the effects of the electromagnetic field generated by the operation of electric generators and distribution facilities, telecommunication relays and installations, etc.;
Elaboration of Environmental Reports (ER), Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), Environmental Balances (EB), Site Reports (SR), Safety Reports (SR), Appropriate Assessment Studies (AA);
Compiling the necessary documentation in order to obtain of water management permits, according to the Order of the Ministry of Environment no. 799/2012;
Training, awareness of the population and local authorities regarding compliance with environmental policies (pollution sources, mitigation measures, quantification of impacts, pollutant emissions and the use of alternative energy sources by replacing classical fuels, etc.).
IPMEI Infrastructure
Meet the Team

Eng. Natalia Simona RAISCHI
Scientific Researcher III
Head of Department