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Numerical Modeling And Geographic Information Systems

The Department of Numerical Modeling and Geographic Information Systems (MNSIG) carries out the processing and interpretation of large volumes of data that result from the monitoring activities of hydrodynamic and hydromorphological phenomena. The data are acquired from field measurements (2D single-beam and 3D multi-beam bathymetric measurements) and from hydrodynamic and hydromorphological numerical simulations. For the numerical simulation processes, a six-node cluster system is used that has a large capacity for processing and storing the data obtained from use of the MIKE (DHI) and Delft3D suite (Deltares) modeling software. The results are used to identify and evaluate the changes in the morphology of water bodies (bed variation and identifying erosion / sedimentation phenomena). Moreover, the MNSIG  elaborates thematic maps for the Institute`s main fields of activity and processes the data collected from the receiver station network that monitors the ultrasonic tagged sturgeons.

Area Of Competence

  • Numerical simulation of surface water flow;

  • Processing data on hydrodynamic and hydromorphological parameters;

  • Management of databases that results from in-situ investigations or are collected from questionnaires;

  • Hydrodynamics;

  • Hydromorphology;

  • Remote sensing, satellite imagery;

  • Rendering of thematic maps using GIS techniques;

  • Making scenarios on the evolution of the Lower Danube River`s morphology.


  • Preparation of input data and scenarios for hydrodynamic and hydromorphological simulations;

  • Running numerical hydrodynamic and hydromorphological simulations using the MIKE and Delft3D software;

  • Calibration and validation of hydromorphological models, based on the DKRControl method;

  • Post-processing of the results obtained from the hydrodynamic and hydromorphological numerical models;

  • Monitoring, validation and advanced processing of hydrodynamic data:

  1. Single-beam and multi-beam bathymetric data;

  2. Discharge and surface water level from measuring stations;

  3. Data on water current speed from transverse and longitudinal cross-section measurements;

  4. Discharge data from transverse cross-section measurements.

  • Hydromorphological investigations of the watercourses. By using domain specific software, the following can be attained:

  1. Estimates on sediment transport;

  2. Location of erosion / sedimentation areas;

  3. Long-term trend of the changes of the river beds.

  • Analyzing and centralizing geospatial data and data from in-situ measurements;

  • Processing of field data and generation of maps for:

  1. The topography of in-situ measurements;

  2. The location of the sturgeon monitoring areas and their migration routes;

  3. The dispersion of pollutants in water;

  4. The erosion / sedimentation phenomena.

  • Geoprocessing, automated analysis of large data sets;

  • Creating and improving GIS databases;

  • Processing, interpretation and analysis satellite images.

MNSIG Infrastructure

HPC System Cluster with 6 nods
Year: 2015

6xTRUSTER RX 2306 INTEL XEON HASWELL, 10 choirs, 2.6 GHz frequency, 20 TB storage, 24 GB DDR3 RAM. Cluster system with high capacity for processing and storing data and information obtained from numerical modeling. 


Meet the Team


Eng. Georgeta TUDOR

Scientific Researcher III
Head of Department

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