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Minister Tánczos Barna signed a €10 million National Recovery and Resilience Plan #PNRR funding cont

Minister Tánczos Barna signed a €10 million National Recovery and Resilience Plan #PNRR funding contract for the Implementation of a wild sturgeon monitoring system along the Lower Danube.

The measure aims to implement a system to combat poaching in line with the EC's 'zero-tolerance illegal fishing' target set in the European Green Deal and the effects of climate change affecting the sturgeon population.

Wild sturgeons will be tagged with ultrasonic transmitters and monitored in real time along 1500 km of the Danube river and coastal area.

As a result of this sub-investment, a wild sturgeon monitoring, communication and data transmission network will be operational by Q3 2024.

The digital component of the investment amounts to €7.16 million.

The measure will be implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests and the National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection.



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